Tuesday, May 03, 2011

To Rock That Body, Or Not to Rock That Body, That is the Question

There seems to be a lot of talk about whether or not to somehow show Bin Laden's body to satisfy  stupid, unserious  people's need to know he's dead.  Of course, if we've learned nothing from the past few weeks, it's that showing the body won't matter to those who want to insist  Obama wasn't born in America  it's not his, so I'd suggest we move on, and let the conspirators do their thing.  But then, I never saw the body of my old friend Strummer
Then one weekend I was dumb enough to leave him under the care of my dipshit roommate while I was away, and he ran away.  I never saw him again;  almost 18 years later, whenever I see a basset hound I throw it a Jedi-mind trick, and mutter "Strummer, it's me!" under my breath, wondering if it's him and I've found him again.
So I'll understand if you wanna start a website wherein people can send in claims that they've seen Bin Laden like they do Elvis  ("Bin Laden's working at the 7-11!  Duuuude, I KNOW it's him!!!!!")  Meanwhile, I will focus on the more important work of digging up names of people who knew that a show featuring Kelly from BH 90210 called What I Like About You apparently existed for almost five years, without anyone detecting it's existence (wouldn't the orchestration of the show by insiders have necessitated the involvement of large numbers of people? How could even a small number of people be persuaded to participate in such a horrific show?  How is it that none of the actors have changed their minds and come forward? How is it that no one who was NOT involved -- but who happened to be close enough to see show and draw the right conclusions -- has come forward either? How could the actors have been confident enough to plan such a complex show given the risk of exposure by viewers who saw too much? In spite of the consolidation of ownership of the media, wouldn't there at least be some reporters and editors willing to expose the show to make names for themselves? How could such a show have been successfully carried out by the notoriously incompetent producers of the WB Network*?)

* wait, WB?  Okay.  Got it.

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