Friday, May 13, 2011

White People. Fucking Christ.

It's as if it's no longer just enough to be right, it's much more important to be wronged.

 Those whacky oppressed white people are at it again:

It’s a small sample size, but new research appears to indicate that anti-anti-racism is now the default view of white Americans who see themselves as a persecuted, put-upon minority that happens to hold over 90 percent of political offices, corporate executive jobs, and other positions of power and prestige.
Of course this is absurd, since white people have a 400-year headstart on making sure things are laid about in as advantageous a way as possible (if you're white AND rich, then we REALLY try to make things as easy as possible for you to succeed in the world.)
Some of this may be general "they're coming to get us!" paranoia, and some of it might be a small segment that is uneasy about a black president, hanging out in "the people's house" with his thug gangstah friends (well, half of them.)  But most of all, I think the need to feel like an oppressed underdog who has succeeded against all odds is as American as apple pie.  One thing America is fascinated by is the ruling class of the uber-wealthy, and the more uber-wealthier they get the more we're fascinated by them, and yet they always feel like they have to win some public relations war for our affection that doesn't exist, be it corporations crying foul on being asked to pay taxes, or NFL owners having to swallow only making a trillion dollars a day.  Nobody likes to admit out loud "part of my success is due to economic and social conditions cemented long before I was even born"; we must be made to believe that Successful Person X was left to die in a dumpster, then pulled himself up by his own bootstraps and became a real rags to riches story.  Nobody's happy simply to have been given the keys to the kingdom, they also hafta portray themselves as "victims."

And it's not just corporations or politicians, it's everyone.  Nobody can admit they had a somewhat pleasant experience in high school, everybody has to now claim to have been the nerds picked on by the bullying football team.  Being a loser in high school is now a cool thing to have been, but not REALLY.  Shitty bands that should be happy someone's inexplicably buying their crappy records by the ton, they also have to bray about all the record companies that rejected their demos.  Gilbert Arenas is an assclown who has gotten tens of millons of dollars to play about 6 more NBA games than me, and yet he can't go longer than three minutes without whining about being picked so late in the draft, and having to overcome being born with a freakish genetic gift that makes rich men bid for the right to have him come play a child's game for them in order to eke out a living.  And on, and on, and on.  Nobody inherited money or their company, everybody started out the same as everyone else, with nary an advantage, be it the color of their skin or the crotch they were torn out of.

Polls like this are things that make me embarrassed.  There's REAL racism alive and well out there, and white people thinking it's creeping up on them laughable. I rue the day we let black people have access to the Internet and they see this shit.

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