Thursday, May 19, 2011

Xmastime Reviews Shows of the Past.

SHOW: Boy Meets World

BEST THING ABOUT IT: Shawn's girlfriend Angela (to your right.) Super Mrs. Xmastime. Sigh.  (heart) Whatever happened to her?  I've never seen her since.  Do all my ladies in this category disappear, like Yola? W tf?

OTHER REDEEMING QUALITIES: once they turned him loose into complete idiot mode, Wil Friedle was actually one of the funnier characters on tv at the time.  Matthew Lawrence was funny too, and the move to bring in a big-titted amazon to room with them was genius.   Feeny was a good character also.

WHAT SUCKED ABOUT IT: especially in it's later years, this was by far the cheesiest, cringe-inducing show on tv that was somehow watchable.  The overly emotional/dramatics of those seasons are stunning in how embarrassing they are; I'd be interested in finding out if the actors can even watch the shit now.  We get it, you're friends, jesus fucking christ enough already.  After the thousandth straight scene of Corey and Shawn "confronting one another with how close they are!!" etc they shoulda said fuck this gay shit and focused solely on the Friedle/Lawrence characters.  Also, Topanga was frustrating - there was a SLIGHT window wherein she was hot, but she quickly ended up looking like she got stung by bees every day. Wtf?  And yet in your mind you always assumed "yeah, Topanga's hot" until you'd actually see her.  Oh yeah, and the beyond gay "ooooh, Shawn is secretly  a poet!" shit is unwatchable.

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