Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Accepting My Own Responsibility

I just hope God has a place for him where he can run again. Where he can play practical jokes on his teammates and smile that boyish smile, 'cause God knows, no one's perfect. And God knows there's something special about heroes. - Bob Costas' eulogy at Mickey Mantle's funeral
This is Amber Lancaster.  I have no idea who the hell she is nor do I give a rat''s ass, but she's a healthy reminder that one autumn day in 1988, I blocked an extra point against Lancaster, therein ensuring the final score was only 47-6 instead of 48-6 (and yes, we shoulda walked home afterwards when our coach was being an asssssssshole.)  I have no idea how the hell we got the 6, but my point is that yes, in this instance you CAN stop me on the street and thank me for being a hero.  After all, here's something special about heroes.

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