Thursday, September 08, 2011

Belief in Gub'ment

This guy HERE on Rick Perry getting applause for being the Executor in Chief:
They enthusiastically applaud government executions. And they’re certain government is incompetent, except when it comes to bombing foreigners, torturing Muslims, and killing guilty people, in which cases government is always, 100 percent, how-dare-you-even-ask-questions correct.
And YES, you're correct in saying that I've already said the same thing 2 & 1/2 years ago:
I've wondered before on Xmastime how people can swear that the government can't do anything right ("the government can't deliver the mail!") and should stay out of our lives, not to be trusted with anything - except of course when it comes to our physical safety as a nation vis-a-vis loading 18 year-old high school graduates up with guns and sending them around the globe to fight professional killers for our own protection. THAT these people have no trouble putting their blind faith (and dollar$) into.

Which is the same thing I wonder about now re: the same people not trusting a word the government says about ANYTHING ("awww, they're all liars!!")...except of course when they tell us that some foreign dictator is an evil madman hell-bent on destroying us. THAT they believe without question and allow politicians to act thusly. They'll go crazy that some politician is lying if he wants to, say, raise a toll on the local parkway to make repairs. But they don't question it at all if he rants about someone halfway around the world, whom he nor anyone else anybody knows or has met, is a madman desperate to blow up the planet. On that subject, I guess politicians are incapable of lying through their teeth like they do with everything else, and should be completely trusted with our money and votes no matter what.
But let's forget all that bullshit for now, since I've stumbled upon an old family scrapbook, and found this picture of my Grandma.  Aww, wasn't she cute?  Such an old fuddy-duddy!  Miss you, Grandma!

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