Thursday, September 22, 2011

GOP Debatezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How inane have these GOP "presidential debates" become when I can't even bother to watch them?  I mean, really, at first the unintentional comedy was great; now, it's just like the last 8 seasons of M*A*S*H: not funny, and seemingly longer than the Korean War itself.  It's just watching a handful of stupid people preach to a roomful of stupid people.  Even I, the great Xmastime, can't keep it interesting for two hours.  Wake me up when Romney's declared the nominee; until then, fucking christ.  Even I'M shocked at the stupidity and dullness, and that's saying something.

And why can't Gingrich do the right thing and show up rightfully smeared in chocolate?

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