Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Office Crush Roundup

Original Office Crush: way outta my league.  is nice to me but would be disgusted by me in real life.  I'd hafta watch my language around her; the Phylicia Rashard of the group.
Turtle Office Crush: newly married. to a doctor.  and looks like a Turtle. Not conventionally pretty, but does it for me.  Her huge tits go in the "plus" column.
Pizza Office Crush: new to the office, mighta just warmed up to me cuz I'm friendly. But voluntarily sitting next to someone on a bus is voluntarily sitting next to someone on a bus. Hottest/sexiest of the four. Husky voice helps. Looks Italian, which is prolly why she enjoyed my talk about food on the bus ("what the hell is 'warm salad'? Isn't that 'salad that's sat around too long'? Rich people - they'll eat anything you put in front of 'em.")
4th Office Crush: a slightly lesser version of Pizza Office Crush.  Most attainable as of this moment.  Lights up when she sees me.  Leading in the Wink department (so far.)

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