Thursday, October 20, 2011

XMASTIME: A Reflection.

Over HERE we see 7 Things Women Expect from a Man's Personality.

Sense of Adventure: I wouldn't say I have a sense of adventure in a bungee-jumping, mountain climbing way.  There's plenty of ways to get yourself killed without actively trying.  On the other hand, I'm always up for anything no matter how goofy and am, if I may say so myself, a wonderful and cheerful companion.  I can think of nobody I'd rather have on a cross-country trip than myself.
Some Emotional Depth: I have almost zero outwardly emotional depth; if provoked I instinctively bat it away with jokes.  That said, the more serious, deep situation I'm in the funnier I get.  You wanna be next to me if you're at a funeral, and the time I'm at the altar waiting for my bride to walk down the aisle should be filmed.
Acceptance from Other Women: I have girl friends, I think women enjoy hanging out with me.  I can talk about reality tv and pretend to care about gossip.  I haven't had a lot of girlfriends, but it's not because girls don't like me, they don't like me "that way," mostly because I've spent the last decade wandering around in a fat haze of idiocy.
Decision Making Skills:  This one I'm pretty bad at.  I know the ladies like the man to pick the restaurant/whatever, but whenever I'm asked, my mind goes blank.  Anytime I used to meet someone in the city I'd "off-handedly" pick Grassroots Tavern simply because I'd instantly forget the other 65,000 bars I'd been to.  I'm prolly TOO accommodating since I rarely give a shit where we're going as much as who it's with.
Ambition: I have ambition NOW; it'd be nice if I didn't hafta wait 39 years for it to kick in.  Grrr.
Chemistry: One of my previous loves I knew it the second I laid eyes on her;  another one took me almost ten years to realize.  And neither of them became anything really, so who knows/gives a shit.  Nothing you can do about this one.
Confidence: I have an insane amount of INNER confidence; I spend most of my day marveling at how awesome I am.  However, I don't display any OUTER confidence since I  assume anyone would know how unaccomplished I am (see: unfounded self-confidence.)  I also at a very early age developed a defensive way of telepathically telling people not to expect anything from me; my life is filled with pretend bumbling.

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