Friday, January 13, 2012

The Great War

My pathetic, absurd thirst for all things Downton Abbey have led me to finally start reading Lady Chatterley's Lover this morning, as it's one of the few books I have from the time period.  Actually, I don't know if I have any other ones...about 20 years ago I started reading All's Quiet on the Western Front in a Hardee's bathroom, but forgot it on the sink and never got it again.  I do know that of all our nation's wars WWI seems to be the one of least interest to Americans, presumably because of our short involvement in it.  Hell, I've blabbered more about vending machines that it; I think I've only mentioned WWI in relation to the 1918 Influenza.
Interestingly, turns out Lawrence married a close relative of the Red Baron, the most famous fighter pilot of all time who had over 80 kills in WWI.  And the only reason we know who he is?  Exactly.

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