Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Liz Cho is Catapaulted Onto the Mrs. Xmastime List

I never watch the local news.  Or news at all, really. Well, except for FOX News, but that's only because it's the best sitcom I've seen since Seinfeld (actually, it might be even better - who woulda thought a show could be that funny if ALL the characters were Kramer????!?!)  But I have been aware of the Channel 7 Eyewitness News beauty queen Liz Cho, who is regularly voted "Hottest News Anchor in the Country" year after year, which is a no-brainer since she looks like this:

Nice, right?

But suddenly, today in the office a tv was on while she was doing the news and my dick did a double take, as she had glasses on: "Wha-wha-wha-WHA?!?!?!??!?!!!!!"  - ohmygod, she looked like Sarah Palin at minute 7 of a bukkake session.  I mighta glanced at her about 100 times in 14 years, and then SUDDENLY she had glasses on, and it was a game-changer  Unreal.

My dick calling the shots, I did a  has never happened in my life  standard check-in on the Channel 7 11 o'clock news, as I wanted to know what was going on in Teaneck NJ, and this was my reward.  I've been wrong this whole time: there is a God, and he fucking looooooooooooooooves me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She has a smoking body built for sex.