Thursday, February 09, 2012

Xmastime Meets a Priest Update

Must say, it's refreshing to be in the same room as a priest without him being 100 years old and looking at me like I'm an asshole waiting to happen.  We chewed the fat, shot the shit, I got some laughs, and it turns out that HE was a manny for a year in San Francisco! I made it clear I ain't looking for God or salvation or none of that shit, just a different connection to something than what I've had for a while now, and he was cool.  "Whatevs" he almost but did not say.  Dude studied in Rome, and I'm killing him with my Giglio Festival riffs.  Not bad. I even did this riff and got a laugh, tho I skipped the sex bit (hasn't he been through enough?)

So that's right, Unfaithful Readers - from now on, February 9th will go on forever in history to be universally acknowledged as The Day I Joined a Church, thereby overshadowing what the date was always known for before today.

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