Monday, May 21, 2012

Softball Sunday Wrapup

 - Met a family from Paris, there because their 19 year-old daughter wanted to see Williamsburg. I asked them 10000 questions and let it be known how much I loved Remembrance of Things Past or, as I repeatedly called it, A La Recharge de Temps Perdu. "Mysteriously", they disappeared when I went up to get a round.

 - In a remembrance of things past moment popped into the Halloween Bar, met some woman from Tennessee. Maybe the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by inexplicably telling her about the first time I ever went to the Halloween Bar, in 1995. Came back from the pisser, she was gone.

Deflating on one hand, somewhat reassuring on the other as it's the oddly comforting embrace of the normal softball Sunday rhythm of years past.  Mostly, I'm looking forward to having a front row seat to Watty's long, sad, ignoble walk into the sunset a la Willie Mays at Shea (batted 6th yesterday - SIXTH!!!) It's the little things in life, people!!! ;)

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