Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Bush is Back!

George W. Bush has been great on Leno tonight. He's a natural, very likable. Much better talk show guest than president. Meanwhile, Leno keeps asking about his parents. Which reminds me of this:
It just occurred to me...barring anything happening in the next few months, will George W. Bush be the first president to leave office with both of his parents alive? I've done the research back to Hoover; I'm too lazy to go further. Without checking further, we're already close to a century back in time. And with people's life expectancy being smaller as we go back, I would guess the odds of parents living that long would be slim, though not impossible. Kennedy would've been the best bet, but he didn't survive his own presidency, so he's disqualified.

Bush has always had a lack of gravitas; could this, along with his ever-present certitude, be in line with him knowing that at the end of the day, mommy and daddy would be waiting for him with milk and cookies, waiting to tell him how "special" he was?

I'm not a be honest, I don't even know if that's a word. But I do wonder if there is a connection. Can a man presiding over such a serious office do so while wrapped in the soft, comforting blanket of his own parents?

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