Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Play

Today is the 25th year anniversary of "The Play." I certainly can't think of a more amazing, implausible play to win a game in all my years. But looking back on it, I'm amazed by 2 things. Number one, that the dude who scored the td was able to recognize so quickly which line was the end zone and spike the ball - there's no end zone coloring, the lines look the same and of course he was in a crowd of people. At the end of such a play for the win, I would think he'd be a lil more cautious re: "okay, am I really past the goal line, lemme check..." But no, just BLAM! on the tuba player. Which brings us to #2 - I've always been amazed the tuba dude didn't get hurt. Football player slamming a ball on you while you're holding some huge instrument? But enough about my girlfriend on prom night. I can't remember from old pictures if the tuba player had the tuba in his mouth; I would think he'd get some teeth knocked out. And of course if it happened today Cal would be sued for $400 million. Anyways, an amazinig play the will be replayed over and over long after we're gone. And I believe it kept John elway outta the Rose Bowl, no? Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a trombone, dipshit.