Thursday, June 11, 2009


Why the FUCK don't movies have separate fucking lines for people who ONLY want popcorn/sodas?!???!!?!?! I'm in line this morning, and after about 10 hellacious minutes I'm like why am I still in a line that hasn't fucking moved? And then I see - people are buying nachos. And fucking hotdogs. And fucking ice cream. And goddam candy. Candy???!! You're at the movies - GET THE POPCORN AND GO SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!!! And a woman in front of me has them show her kid EVERY POSSIBLE FUCKING PIECE OF CANDY THEY HAD TO OFFER for him to decide what the fuck he wants. WTF???!! My dad woulda been like "hold on...I'm taking you to the movies, AND you want a snack?!?!? Get back in the goodam car, we're going home!!!" Or my mother would try to sneak in a casserole dish, like HERE.


Meanwhile, of course here's the concession stand upstairs. Just like every fucking condom I've bought since 1997 theater I've ever been to: un-fucking-used. Genius.


Kleingärtner said...

You're a 40 year old man going to the movies on a Thursday morning. And the popcorn/soda line issue is your most pressing issue?!?!!?! Dude, you've arrived! You made it! Every other sucker is living the life of "quiet desperation" in some souless cubicle! Your desperation is loud and clear and it's not even so goddamn bad! Enjoy it and write about your horsey-headed girl fantasies.

Xmastime said...
