Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ft. Hood

The Hawks are surely disappointed the Ft Hood shooting wasn't part of a bigger terrorist plot than what it actually was, it then giving even more credence to keeping their heads down in pushing ahead with the non-ending quasi-religious wars we've been in for almost a decade now (their other acceptable motive: "Oh, he was just a fucking nutjob!") Anything else would force them to take a moment to ask themselves hard questions, which these people do not like to do.

I would wonder how if this guy gave a lecture on the impending danger that might come from Muslims within our army in 2007 AND reports are now coming out that everyone around him thought he had started to act strangely along with maybe being in contact with "terrorists" around the globe, why was pretty much nothing done? Picture some dude on an Army base during WWII who started goose-stepping around the barracks, and making phone calls in German. Maybe even got that funny Hitler mustache for kicks. It would take about 4 seconds for them to say "this is whack shit," and he would be dealt with.

But in the Ft. Hood case, nobody really seemed to know what the guy was about. Was he serious about his religion? Did it play any part in his contacts with other Muslims? What was he talking about? Was who he was talking to friendly or our enemy?

Nobody seemed to know for sure, certainly not enough to step and confront him and ask him about things. And why? Because everyone around him wasn't even sure if that was the right or wrong thing to do. Which to me seems fairly emblematic of the whole "war on terror." We don't really understand who we're fighting, or why, or even those who are with us and how they may be affected by the whole thing. And even if we're suspicious that someone might be cavorting with the "enemy," we're not even sure enough of things to call him on it. Yes, NOW people are coming out to voice their objections to him and how he was acting. But until now, it was pretty much like how things have been the whole time: total confusion.


Marley said...

"But in the Ft. Hood case, nobody really seemed to know what the guy was about. Was he serious about his religion? Did it play any part in his contacts with other Muslims? What was he talking about? Was who he was talking to friendly or our enemy?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I think we all know that this is a classic case of pre-traumatic stress disorder, a malady scientifically tied to those moments when you hear extremist Muslims scream the last thing you'll ever hear.

Forrest Gump is a bad movie, but there's a funny line that is apropos. After Jenny gets walloped by her hippie-protestor boyfriend, he apologizes with, "“It’s Johnson and this damn war.”

As for your use of the killer for as painful an equation to the war on terror as I've ever read (were it high school civics, you'd get a C-; as you're an adult, I'm just embarrassed), well, everything has its uses.

Marley said...

But thanks for taking time to ask the hard questions, swampass! (and by "these people," do you mean blacks?)

Xmastime said...

while your original comment was bordering on the incoherent, I am as always gleeful to jump on board with any "these people" jokes!!! :)

Marley said...

I just can't believe they are putting down John Muhammad. It's so confusing. Like this war on terror. And he's black!

Xmastime said...

ah yes: the "Charles S. Dutton was Born to Play Chief Moose" shootings!!!