Thursday, May 06, 2010


Nobody gives two shits what I think about it Since everybody knows I love me some Lawrence Taylor, everyone's wondering what I think about today's rape allegations. I'm not happy he has been charged with raping a girl who turns out is only 16.

What I DO like in the "after the break, LT has been accused of rape" newsbreaks this morning the footage was the same every time: the play of him breaking Joe Theismann's leg. That's pretty cool - I mean, mentioning he merely raped a little girl might not be enough to portray what a stark raving monster he is, we definitely need to paint a picture of him mauling her like a grizzly bear and snapping her leg like a twig. Where's the footage of him kicking puppies, or giving out bad sub-prime mortgages to poor people? Fucking media. Soft as usual on violence by black dudes.

Also, I'm curious re: the "it was a set-up" theories. If you really wanted to benefit from setting LT up, I feel like your window has closed. Getting him in trouble the week of one of the two Super Bowls he played in might have a real payoff. But "setting him up" 17 years into retirement when he's become pretty famous for blowing through his fortune seems like a somewhat not entirely thought-out decision.

Side note: as his money has dwindled, how hard do you think  LT has badgered Theismann to do some sort of Thomson/Branca traveling show for cash? Show up and tell the story of the play, sign some autographs etc for a bunch of dough. Hell, make it a one-act off-Broadway play called "Oh, SNAP!!"

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