Monday, November 19, 2012


Alyssa Rosenberg mentions something called "fake geek girls", which are a thing. I've witnessed them. And they remind me of hipsters:
One of the more annoying things it seems very important for hipsters to do is excitedly tell you how "uncool" they are, which is hipsterese for "doesn't that make me cool?"

No.  It doesn't.
Growing up when I did, it was unfathomable to see someone tripping over themselves to tell you how uncool they are, and yet now it's a "thing." Godfathered possibly by the curious need for hot chicks to convince everybody how "goofy" they are:
A truly funny female is rare enough (shout out to Hitch), we certainly don't expect you to be hot AND funny. One or the other is enuff. And, to be honest, we prefer hot. Trying to pound us over and over re: “look at me; I’m so clumsy!” to show us you’re “normal” and "funny" isn’t endearing or, ta-da!...funny. Wow, hot girl tripping. My sides are splitting. Does she think she’s SO hot she has to now counterbalance this with goofiness? Like Charlize Theron, who cannot seem to do a movie anymore unless she’s required to cover her face in moles and wear a dead mouse for an eyepatch. Camon. Did John Holmes ever try to prove something by saying “look, I can’t make rice!! I’m just like you!!” No. He said “I have a huge dick, you’re paying to see it.” And he died of AIDS!!!!
Of course I blame Tina Fey and Whitney Cummings for this "fake nerd chick" bullshit. Fuck that shit.

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