Monday, November 19, 2012

We're Gonna Die. Great.

First, 95% of all the stars we see around us today were formed during the past 11 billion years, and about half of these were formed between roughly 11 and 8 billion years ago in a flurry of activity. But the real shocker is that the rate at which new stars are being produced in galaxies today is barely 3% of the rate back 11 billion years ago, and declining. This indicates that unless our universe finds a second wind (which is unlikely) it will only ever manage to produce about 5% more stars than exist at this very moment. This is, quite literally, the beginning of the end.
Of course, I called this years ago. Duh.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Su did you think this up, or are you quoting Linus?
