Thursday, January 28, 2021

An Aging Xmastime Reflects

Blogger tells me that I'm only 77 posts away from my 25,000th post. I started this blog in November of 2005, and like most things on the internet it's gone from having a few hundred people reading it every day (I miss you 2008!) to nobody giving a shit about it (every moment since). Why do I keep slogging it out every day, knowing nobody cares? I don't know. Partly because I guess I'm always bursting to be heard, and this allows me to vomit whatever I'm thinking while having the .0001% hope in the back of my head that somebody will read it and care about it. Or I've come to view this as a sort of scrapbook that I'll look back on one day with great affection:

I wonder if the Loud family ever looks back on the footage, amazed they have hours and hours of memories to look at.  As much as I blather away about whatthefuckever on Xmastime, I'm very aware that one day, a long time from now, I'll be glad that there's a place I can go to remember what I was once like. - XMASTIME

A few Xmastime milestones, you're welcome very much:

My first post (still miffed I didn't have the vision to make it about something more meaningful than Wally fucking Joyner!)

My 5,000th post 

My 20,000th post

Okay I guess those are the only numeric milestone posts I've marked over the years oh fucking well. I'm sure one day I'll dedicate my life to listing all of my favorite posts, like an ultimate Top 10 (though I guess that's what the XMASTIME CLASSICS thing to the right is, even though I haven't updated it in years) but there's no way in hell I'm doing that anytime soon. A reason to continue living, I suppose.

THIS POST ten years ago sums up pretty well how people attacked blogs back in the day.  Every friend of mine was excited to start one, but lost interest after a few days when they realized nobody cared.  But not me! Most of my friends probably think I'm an idiot or it's a sickness, and they might be right. And the idea of a "blogger" is still of some loser in his Iron Man Underoos sitting in his mom's basement, which to me says more about the people thinking such a thing as the world has passed them by and less about actual bloggers. 

My promise to you: I will continue to beat on (but sometimes off!), boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

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