Friday, August 04, 2006

Still Hot, but will Get Drunk Tonite

I don’t understand the hub-bub re: Mel Gibson. How come if someone from Hollywood, eg Alec Baldwin/Barbra Streisand tries to express their opinions, we should scoff at them and not care what they think; hey, they’re only actors! Bruce took a lot of shit for stumping for Kerry when he’s “only a musician.” ie shut up and sing or say your lines, other than that your thoughts mean nothing to us “real folks.” But if Mad Max guzzles a bottle of tequila and starts spouting crazy shit about Jews, whoa whoa, we’re supposed to take what he’s saying to heart, brand him a bigot and end his career and of course paint this as the latest symptom of how Hollywood is corrupt and ruining America. Seems like another case of some people picking and choosing what they wanna hear and use for their agenda - people who try to govern me according to the Bible. A collection of stories about people living to 900, people living in whales and burning bushes etc. Hmm. Drives me insane. Just the other day a girl I know tried to say that gay marriage is wrong because “it’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.” When I called her on living through some other biblical examples, she of course dismissed these “oh, that’s silly”, therein picking and choosing the parts she wants to believe and, thusly, how others should be judged. You’ll hear Jerry Falwell et al do this on tv, they’ll rail against one thing because the Bible instructs us so, then laugh off another example (ie slavery) with oh, you have to understand how to interpret the good book. I got ZERO respect for this crap. I would have more respect for you if you went whole hog and were a total Bible-thumping Jesus freak, at least then you’re consistent -I have admiration for total blind faith, but not for cherry-picking faith for your own agenda/power.

If you tell me that there’s no such thing as evolution, that “God” created everything in 7 days including man in his own image, then why would we teach ANY science? Why did I spend a week in 4th grade learning about photosynthesis when it should’ve gone like this:

Mr. Futchko: Xmastime, what makes leaves green?
Xmastime: God does!!
Mr. Futchko: correct!!

And so on. Don’t rule that we have to teach creationism or ban gay marriage and base your argument on the Bible unless you’re willing to advocate stoning wives for adultery; don’t shove these things down our throats unless you’re willing to say that kings should rule countries – I am not an expert on the texts of the Bible, but I do remember there being kings everywhere and no “democracies”. Of course, one could argue that such a governing setup could be an example of mankind, you know…evolving. I can’t be the only dude in the world that finds it ironic that here we have a Prez who is a super Bible-thumper and seems to base his decisions on “conversations with God”, yet he goes hell-nell into the very land that all he worships came from, imposing his own doctrine. Anyways, one way or the other, but not both. I can not take you seriously if you’re going to troll though some fairy-tale book and pick and choose how you’d like me to live my life.

As for Mel, if you’re offended, okay. But is anything he said as offensive as “What Women Want” or the inevitable “Lethal Weapon XIV”? ugh. As Jefferson, the godfather of the seperation of church and state, once said "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God...aaarrggh, I'm too old for this shit."


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I love you Xmastime.

Anonymous said...

Good post. A lot of food for thought and I am staving.

Hey, if the Romans actally handled the crucifixion of Jesus why aren't the Italian's screaming anti-hairy backed guidoism? Is it because the Jews have the corner on the persecution martket? With Hollywood's drunkin busteds ( or bastids if you choose) pulling a close second.

Hey...what's all this talk about being "created in the image of God"? Assuming the Christian teaching on redemption (Jesus reestablishing communication between Creator and subcreators), wouldn't God be interested in the creation of Man? If "Faith comes by hearing the word of God", and I never heard about it wouldn't it stand to reason that my conclusions about it could be slightly inaccurate?

"True Creationists are great thinkers who not only question traditional science, but challange the biblical truths and have shown that science, when applied correctly, will actually confirm the validity of biblical statements."


Anonymous said...

nice night for skinny dipping

Anonymous said...

That blog was "filthy" but not as "electric" as the last one.
Maybe you're developing a blister on your typing finger.
Anyway...rock on douche-wipe!