Saturday, April 19, 2008

Monet's Palate: A Gastronomic View from the Fardens of Giverny

I officially have a favorite painter: Monet. For one, I actually do like the way his stuff looks. Which of course makes me gay. But mostly cause apparently he really liked his food. I guess I picture artists as wispy little "food is disgusting, I'm a waif!" fuckheads. But there's a thing on PBS right now about the link between his art and cuisine. Here's his kitchen table, here's what he liked to eat etc etc. For the most part I have no idea what the fuck they're talking about cause most of the interviewees are French, and apparently the sound budget thing for this was about 95 cents. But it's cool cause they'll say "Claude liked Yorkshire pudding", and then cut to a chef who walks you through making it. Very cool. An artist who can eat a Crave Case from the WC, I'm all for.

2nd favorite painter of course is Norm Peterson.

Plus, me liking someone who's French means I hate America and freedom, of course. Suck it, les troops!!!

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