Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Never Forget!! That You're a Douchebag!!

Who’s the jackass that originally came up with the “Never Forget!” tag to go along with 9/11? How did this happen? From the very milli-second it became history, there seems to have been someone pushing some weird “make sure they never forget!!” agenda. A little needy, no? I’ve never seen a picture of Auschwitz with “NEVER FORGET!” paint-rolled over it. Have you? 9/11 is like the annoying little brother who is completely unsure about itself whenever it’s big brothers The Holocaust and Hiroshima show up at the dinner table. “Lookit me! Lookit me! I was a tragedy too!!!!!” There’s some weird insecure paranoia going on there. Seems like if it was a big enough deal, it wouldn't hafta fucking chirp so much. We’re still reading about the Battle of Hastings, and that was a thousand years ago. Why? Cause it was a big deal. Hell, there’s not even any video footage of it. So I'm starting a campaign to knock off this "Never forget!! Never forget!! PLEEEEEEEEAE pleeeeeease please never forget!!!!" shit. Enough already. Relax, for fuck’s sake. 9/11 is like the girlfriend with whom you take a break for a few weeks to give each other some space, but then calls you 50 times a day. For fuck's sake, give me time to fucking miss you! Christ, I'm surprised they haven't made us all tattoo "Never Forget!" to the inside of our own eyelids.

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