Tuesday, July 22, 2008

There's a German Word for This, I Know It

I posted a while back here re: the absurd jump in price for Yankees tickets in the past few years. And as then, I'm less shocked that the powers that be would have the balls the jack prices up as I am by the fact that the tickets are being scooped up without a thought. I mean, every fucking night is a sellout here. Yes, I know it's the last year in The Stadium, but the same thing happened last year. It doesn't matter who's playing - they could announce the Yankees are playing my nuts and a stuffed lamb, and 55,000 people would sprint to lay down hundreds of dollars to watch. It's really unbelievable, and why I'm kinda thinking about throwing out a price of $30,000/mo. to read this blog and seeing what happens. I'm sure there's a word for that phenomenon, but I don't know what it is. I'm surprised I know what "phenomenon" is.

I thought about this cause I just watched the Mantle doc on HBO for the 899th time. Back then you could lay down about $3 to go to The Stadium to watch Mickey Mantle in person as he was winning ring after ring. And yet I see footage of the games, and there's never anybody in the stands. What the fuck?

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