Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Other Jordan

A few times on Kitchen Nightmares Gordon has thrown out the name “Jordan,” who apparently is a celeb in Britain worthy of the uni-name. For some reason a few minutes ago she popped into my head, and I decided to google her and find out once and for all who she is. And this is what I found. Seems that a year ago Jordan won Britain's "Celebrity Mum of the Year."

Mother of the Year? And…they choose THIS picture? Really? Apparently this chick gets herself photographed more than a black family walking into Neiman-Marcus, and this is the picture they use for an article extolling her as Mother of the Year? Wow. How matronly! I mean, I can’t wait for the kids’ questions on this one. “Where’s Daddy’s hand?”


Tricia said...

wait, which one's the guy?

BayonneMike said...

Yeah, I thought that was K. D. Lang bringin up the rear.