Friday, July 25, 2008


Mamalizza and I took the fellas to the movies this afternoon, and we were the only ones there until about 5 minutes before the flick started when 15 black kids came rolling in and, despite there being a whole theater full of empty seats, single-filed into the row directly behind us. Not to be undone, about 4 of the 6 or so teachers/teachers aids piled in right behind me - each one 200-lb sassy Sherry Stringfield meets Wanda Sykes type. Oh, MAN!!! I gleefully licked my chops, 4 fat loud black women behind me at the movies?? In charge of 15 hyper kids? This is gonna be awesome!!! I turned my brain to "ON", getting ready to take mental note of every hysterical thing they said over the next hour so that I could bring down the house here on XMASTIME. I was thrilled when within 30 seconds of arriving, during a preview, one of them shouted "Oh, start the damn movie already!!" I knew I was about to be in comedy heaven.

But then the movie started, and...nothing. I strained my ears even, nothing. What the fuck? First of all, aren't black people supposed to yell at the screen the whole time? And have you ever been in a room with four fat black women and not laughed your head off? What the fuck?

Maybe they didn't even notice there were white people in the theater? What's next, a Hasid paying full price? Who's in charge of these things anyways?

Very disappointing.

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