Thursday, August 21, 2008

Oh, Camon

The whole McCain-cross-in-the-sand story is amazing to me because if it turns out to be bullshit, here's YET ANOTHER CASE of these idiots not being able to see more than zero steps in front of themselves. Try and fool me into some bullshit, fine. But it's the sheer stupidity/shortsightedness that chaffes me every time. You're a war hero/admirals son/senator - everything you've said since about 1968 has been recorded either in print or on tape. Including the oh, 194 autobiographies you yourself have written. Yet it doesn't occur to you that people would take, oh, about 14 minutes and research this stuff to see if you're full of shit? Really? And how is it possible nobody on his team stepped in with this bit of counsel, ie "you know, everything about you is on the historical record, we're gonna get busted if you try to make shit up"? Gee, let's make up a story about Mother Teresa!!! What's next, claiming he caught the gotdam Flutie pass? Gee, nobody will ever be able to confirm that or not!! Christ, I knew McCain was 100 years old and out of touch, but who the fuck are his handlers?

1 comment:

Gina said...

Wait. I ALMOST took care of Mother Theresa in the hospital, but left that job in Cali about a year before she took sick and was shipped to the unit I had worked on. Rats. I called there to catch up and discovered that my friend Maryanne Grant who was quite the wild one at the time was so touched by her purity that she joined the team and started working the dumps in Tijuana. I mean helping the poor.

One degree of separation. That's not much.