Thursday, September 11, 2008


Matthew Yglesias nails this campaign and hte media HERE.

But what’s the campaign press doing? It seems to me that if the practitioners of campaign journalism can’t figure out a way to make it so that lying is punished, rather than amplified and rewarded, by the press then they ought to pack up their bags and go do something else.

The answer is, of course, that things have become so whack that if you question any of the bullshit that gets thrown out there you get faux-outrage lambasted as an evil liberal media elite that hates women, small town America and Jesus. So instead of saying "You know, I don't think Gov. Palin wrote The Contest episode of Seinfeld. I really don't think she did that," they just repeat the shit over and over that "Gov. Palin wrote The Contest episode" and ..cough..."leave it up to the American people to decide." Hmm.

Obviously the blatant, barely-pretending-to-hide-it lying by McCain is out of control. And, because the American voters are so fucking stupid, the shit works. My question is, why stop with the lies he's already propagated thus far? Why doesn't McCain go all the way - why not tell us that if we vote for him, he'll give us $100,000 each? Why not tell us that if they win, Palin will come blow in your ear for 20 minutes? Sound ridiculous? Actually, not really. Not anymore.

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