Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Nonsense

I thought I had blasted this complete jagoff on here before; but a quick search shows me it must've been in my head. You know, like sex.

Anyways, I'm reading and it's the same ol' shit - anyone that's not doing cartwheels about the choice of Palin is simply part of the liberal elite attacking her beacuse she's a small town woman who can shoot 50 moose with one shot blabbity blah blah blah. But then comes a line that has been grating at me for a day now.
And, maybe most important, the left-wing media hate her.
My Spidey sense tells me that we're to believe the left-wing media hate her for the same reasons the right once hated Bill Clinton - oh, she's TOO smart, too slick. TOO good!

I know writers like Goodwin hafta paint a picture of Palin as a victim when it's convenient, a la the saucy, small town soccer mom getting attacked by the big, bad liberal media that is ATTACKING!! her!! Cause they hate her!!

But speaking for myself, I feel like no, actually I don't. Oh, I hate the cynicism and arrogance and insulting political pandering in McCain's choosing her; but now that she's chosen, you hafta look at the candidate herself and decide what to think. And the fact is, in the two weeks we've known her we've learned maybe 3 or 4 things about her, all of which are flat-out lies. Airplane eBay story? Lie. Bridge to Nowhere? Lie. We've learned she may or not have some shady dealings in trying to get her brother in law axed, we've learned she may believe that God is the guiding force in her foreign policy, of which so far has included catching glimpses of the Iraq War on tv. Other than more incindiary personal stuff I don't feel the need to get into here, that's pretty much all we know so far. A coupla flat out lies and some Jesus freakness. I don't "hate her" like Goodwin wants you to think. But looking at what I know about her so far, I don't think it makes me a knee-jerk woman-hating liberal elitist asshole to think well, so far I can't say she looks too good as a candidate.

And yes, I know she'll be on with Charlie Gibson tonite, repeating whatever lines have been fed to her by Team McCain for a few weeks. I'm sure it'll be REAL illuminatingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

Rambler said...

The problem with the media (right and left) is that they are lazy. Rather than ignore McCain's bullshit on the whole lipstick thing, they blow it out because it is a hell of a lot easier than doing real reporting on real issues that matter to real people and telling us where the candidates stand. Unfortunately, the republicans know how to play this card and the dems don't. Just watch Sean Hannity reacting to someone saying McCain is running a dishonorable campaign. Hannity then says, "you're calling John McCain dishonorable?" And boom there you go. Ugh, can't believe I'm wasting my own energy ranting on this.