Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm Getting Older by the Minute Now

I do not have a photographic memory. Not even close. But I have always been able to remember WHERE on the page certain passages were. I can't see the words, or deliver the quote word for word, but I can picture where on the page the block of the story I remember is. I know that Scout calling out Walter Cunningham pouring syrup all over his food is on the bottom of the page on the left-hand side; I know that Stephen squeezes his eyes shut during the pandy-bat incident in the middle of the page on the right-hand side (yet I had to make sure his name was spelled with a ph, not a v.) I have no idea if this distinguishes me from anybody else, and while not allowing me to look smart by throwing out the quote at the bar to impress the ladies like a lot of people might it does no real good anyways, but it does let me find a quote I want fairly quickly if need be.

For a few days now some line I read from that Stephen King book on writing he put out has been gnawing at me; I could kinda remember it, but I wanted to use it, so I finally just now decided fuck it, I'll go get it. Bottom fourth of the page, right-hand side. I flipped though where I thought it might be. Nothing. Hmm. Coulda swore it was in this part of the book, I thought. Nope. Last resort, I simply flipped though the whole paperback, as if I had drawn a cartoon in one of the corners, and my quick flipping would make Fred Flintstone wave, or make popcorn. Whatever. Nothing. I was stumped!!!!

It finally dawned on I dare look on the OTHER side, the opposite pages? Oh no no, I thought....I know where the thing is, I can see it; it's there I just keep missing it. I'm never wrong about this kind of thing.

Long story less long: made Fred juggle pineapples on the opposite pages, and blammo....there it was. Direct opposite of where I thought it was. Grrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaat.

The final steps before my brain finally gets shoved off the boat like Pussy after Tony and Paulie and Little Steven shoot him. Fuuuuuuck!

UPDATE 9:27pm:
redemption!!! turns out it was a different copy of the one I had read originally!!!

UPDATE 9:30pm: okay, that was a lie. I'm stupid AND pathetic. Prefect.

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