Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Have You Gone Jeff Lamp, an Xmas Turns His Lonely Eyes to You

As I've mentioned before, I've been in a mood lately re: crying nostalgic over the Virginia teams from my youth that featured Jeff Lamp and Lee Raker. To the point that I stumbled upon this:   and then like a stalker tracked down the author of this on Facebook, where I am currently pounding him for info on this movie parody. But I am still mystified as to the paucity of pictures of Jeff Lamp on the internet. Dude graduated as the highest scoring player in UVa history. Led the team in scoring 4 times, and this was back when UVa basketball was a national big deal. Yet I've found 3 pictures of him total. wtf. I AM ABOUT TO CALL "BULLSHIT" ON THE INTERNET!!

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