Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama Asks Bush...

...for help with automakers.
Mr. Obama has been far more receptive than Mr. Bush to having the government intervene to rescue another major sector of the economy. He called automakers “the backbone of American manufacturing” in his first post-election press conference last Friday, and many thousands of their employees belong to unions that are part of the Democratic Party’s base.
Okay, I’ve fucking had it. For years, we’ve been forced to swallow “oh gosh, the oil industry…” meanwhile, anyone else notice that EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PART OF THE AUTOMOBILE HAS CHANGED…except, gee, what do you know…oil. Gas. We have cars that can fucking drive you to the sporting goods section of a Wal-Mart and order you a hot dog, but gee, FUNNY THING, it still runs on gas. After 120 years. Gee, I wonder why. It’s a mystery.

This is where Barack and I split…the automakers are “the backbone of American manufacturing”? REALLY??? No, they’re not. Automakers today are the horse and buggies of yesterday; for fuck’s sake, the car has been around for 100+ years and the best we can come up with is…gasoline? really??? Goddam, 105 years previous we were riding horses for England, basically.

Are you seriously telling me that 105 years after Kitty Hawk I'm still driving a car that's 1) dependent on oil and 2) "the backbone of American manufacturing"?????

What a fucking joke. Obama, camon. Cars, and the car industry, are a joke. Move on.


Anonymous said...

A. You don't drive anyway and don't know anything about cars (see Fiesta).
B. No matter how many lollipop dreams and cotton candy wishes you have, oil and gasoline still run the world. All of our energy technology depends on it. You can't just decree "Leprechaun farts" the new fuel source, wave your hands and the world changes.
C. Democrats laugh at the "up to 10 years" it may take to benefit from increased drilling and refinery output. Converting the modern world to run on "unicorn smiles" is like 25-50 years down the road at best. Even electricty needs fossil fuels.
D. Obama better pay back the misguided Midwesterners that voted against their intersts and common sense to give him the election by saving their manufacturing jobs, not turning them over to the Greens.


Nerdhappy said...

Gnat, do you write for Dora the Explorer? ;)

Leprechaun Farts:

Cotton Candy Wishes:

Unicorn Smiles:

Lollipop Dreams:

Xmastime said...

a. ALL THAT CAR WANTED TO DO WAS LOVE ME!!!!!!!! number of minutes Tracy spent in it: 3 (maybe)

b. that something’s true doesn’t necessarily make it right.

c. Unicorn smiles...I’m using that one!!

d. there’s still manufacturing jobs left? really? Sound slike Bush has been sleeping on the job!

Anonymous said...

I don't write so much as daydream - in Technicolor animation.

Who killed the Electric Car, right? Sustainable Alternative Energy even as a keen buzzword is still a ways off. Unless the libs let us use Nuclear (pronounced nu-cu-ler), we are stuck with oil and coal generated electricity. And who is (and has been) leading the way on Electric cars? General Motors. So let's just shut em down and complain more while nerds rush by at 8 mph in Segways and cityfolk who can't or don't drive try to take away what most in the country rely on for their livelihood. YORF