Monday, November 10, 2008

Fuck Shit Cunt And a Partridge in a Motherfucking Pear tree

Steven Pinker (hahaah! like we're buddies...) writes in the Atlantic about the absurdity of “crusading against profanity,” bemused at the FCC’s attempts and non-attempts to regulate language over the airwaves.
But in a free society, these annoyances are naturally regulated in the marketplace of people’s reactions—as Don Imus, Michael Richards, and Ann Coulter recently learned the hard way. It’s not clear why swearing on the airwaves should be the government’s business.
But what’s even more fascinating to me is how BAD the FCC is at this regulation, as I posted HERE about the hypocrisy of how they handle “goddamn” and "n---er," and the shocking offensiveness of how they dealt with “shine” in The Sopranos.

Basically, it all seems like a big clusterfuck wherein the only constant is righteous indignation. Makes no sense at all, and we haven't even gotten to Janet Jackson's titty yet.

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