Friday, December 12, 2008

Here We Go

I like how the GOP is using the Auto Company bailout as an opportunity to further bash unions. Cause yeah, it's the WORKERS that put the industry in the position it's in now; certainly it's not the fault of some mfs in charge who made wrong decision after wrong decision while bringing home millions of dollars for themselves. I guess the working class and lower classes haven't been bullied enough over the last 75 years, forced by fears of job loss into total capitulation by management. Every step, forfeiting more and more power, until they've reached this point....asked to take more cuts for themselves to bailing out more rich motherfuckers, adding even more to the great disparity between the average working American and the absurdly rich. You know, I'll let Republicans blame the auto industry failure on the workers when they blame the Iraq War on the troops.

A better example of course is Wal-Mart, probably the most famous anti-union company in the country. Wal-Mart workers are the Beatles of the hapless fucked; in exchange for total submission and lower wages, they get to watch their owners taking up 3 out of the top 6 spots on the Richest Americans list every year.

"Hey guys, what's up??? Having a good time? Isn't working here AWESOME!!!???"

"Damn right is is, assholes - so quit your fucking commie union-planning buillshit meeting and get the fuck back to work!!!!"


Anonymous said...

Those WalMart owners created the corporation that employs thousands of otherwise poorer unqualified people, selling them much more inexpensive goods than any other company can. Consequently, WalMart does more for the common man in one day than the Dems can dither away on social programs in a year. Just because some people are rich doesn't mean they came into it immorally. Yes, Virginia, corporations are a necessary evil. YORF!

Xmastime said...

must say - diggin the exclamation point! :)