Friday, December 12, 2008

Sometimes I Sing it as Girls in Their Southern Clothes

A few days ago, and I don't even remember where so for all you know I'm just makin shit up, I came across a mention of Bruce's Magic album, and the writer blithly referred to Girls in Their Summer Clothes as some sort of fun, light, summertime romp. What the fuck??!?! Did this jackass even listen to the goddam song? Or just see the word "summer" in the title and go "okay, that's one sentence I can use." Grrr. Fucking nonsense...this is one of the most poignant, wistful, heart-breaking slices I've been hit with in a while. Made my all-time BFS Top 10, for chrissake.

So whoever that mf was, you out there: fucking pay attention this time. Douche.

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