Friday, January 09, 2009

Bush/God 2012 II

Like everybody else, I shaking my head last week when Bush claimed that his greatest domestic achievement was failing to privatize Social Security.

I love this guy - in the 2004 debates, he couldn’t come up with a single thing he thought he had done wrong; now he’s relegated to having to claim a failure as his greatest accomplishment cause, let’s face it, there’s not many choices there are there? I guess this would be like John wayne Bobbit having to claim that having his dick cut off was his best at-home surgery.

“Maybe he didn’t understand the question,” I thought to myself.

But then I saw this quote from Mrs. Xmastime Pelosi, and I started thinking holy shit...what if we HAD privatized our Social Security...and then the shit got wiped away with everything else in the Financial Fuckup of F’08??? Now THAT would have people jumping off of buildings.

But then again...just like I mentioned before...was this a PURPOSEFUL failure by Bush...much like making it so that we cannot buy porn to sin with, or food to get fat with, was bungling the whole SS thing just HIS WAY OF MAKING SURE THE SHIT WAS ACTUALLY SAFE AFTER ALL?!??????!?!?!!!! 10 steps ahead of us, as per usual????!

I don’t think it’s gonna take 50 years to realize W’s a genius...I think it’ll take til about 3pm on January 20 - collective groan from us all "oh shit, what were we thinking letting him get away??!?!?!!!"

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