Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Driving the economy into the ground, overseeing an almost complete dismantling of the free-market system and ensuring that we owe every person in China about $60K each? check check check. Hey, that's just "Dubya being Dubya!" But to be at the plate when the fucking PORN INDUSTRY GETS IT, wow....a whole new kind of slow-clap standing ovation needs to be invented for the achievement of the impossible.
Turns out that even this vice industry — which has weathered many other economic downturns — has gone limp under Bush.

Jeez. Even I had once surmised about the recession-proofness of porn:
Is it just me, or is the only thing that actually works withOUT regulation the porn industry?

Cap doffed.

DEVIL'S ADVOCATE: We all know that God talks to Bush. They're buddies, Bush himself said so. MAYBE God reminded him that there is NOTHING more important than ridding the country of pictures of pee-pees and whoozits, and Bush, ACTUALLY BEING A GENIUS!! simply machinated things in such a away that eventually nobody would have any money to buy porn!!!??? Fucking brilliant...WAIT, ADDENDUM - is this also Bush's plan to triumph over obesity in America? Can't get fat if you can't buy food!!!!!

BUSH/GOD IN 2012!!!!!!

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