Wednesday, January 07, 2009

White Castle = FUCKING UP

This article declaring White Castle to be "the worst fast food ever" got ripped a bit over at A Hamburger Today, but I must say that this line struck me as true:
Even at $0.64 for a burger I feel like I got ripped off.

A coupla weeks ago I hit the WC and ordered a mere 4 cheeseburgers, and the shit came to $3.92. Whhhhhaaaaaaaaat?? I was floored...hold up, I thought...isn't the point of WC that you can get a bunch of goop in your gut for about 6 nickels? But enough about George Michael - yeah you'll be shitting blood after a while, but you could pretty much collect money from what's stuck on your shoes and get some grub at WC, no?

While before I would've vociferously defended WC, I hafta say that for those prices yes, it IS the worst fast food there is. Before, I felt like we had an agreement: they'd make the "burgers" out of rat fur and soap, and I wouldn't hafta pay dick for them. Everybody's happy. But if they're gonna start creeping up the prices, then they're pricing themselves out of the market they had created for themselves. IE, for those prices we can actually buy "food."

You are warned, White Castle.

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