Friday, January 02, 2009


I've mentioned somewhere on this blog, maybe years ago, how Don't Look Back, an outtake from Darkness on the Edge of Town, for a while was my hitting the streets with Op, shooting scotch in the daylight, sluicing through the streets song. Once through I'd be ready to beat the shit out of everyone I saw, or cry like a baby at everything; either way, it was Don't Look Back.

Then today, from outta nowhere, I find out that of all bands, the fucking KNACK released a cover of it years ago. THE KNACK!!!! WTF, we couldn't find a MORE poncy, faggot group to do the song? And for fuck's sake, of all songs for them to cover? This one? REEEAllly?

Anyway. Here's their version. And then the original. Thre's no fucking comparion.



Rambler said...

neither of these sound like the Boston version I like.

Kiko Jones said...

Sorry dude, but the original sounds like a Hold Steady outtake, which is to say, eh...

As for The Knack being a "poncy, faggot group" have you heard their lyrics, especially on the first album? That's some raunchy, sleazy, shit. (If you recall, their biggest hit is a dirty ode to a real-life under age girl.) Even their numerous detractors agree that The Knack were not shy, sensitive, poetic, loner types but instead, guitar-wielding lotharios who knew how to get into the girls' pants. And did so.

Xmastime said...

so were Poison. Boiing!

Kiko Jones said...

OK, two LA rock quartets from the same era. But, dude, equating The Knack with Poison is like me comparing you to Pat Buchanan 'cause you're both white and male.

At least The Knack never wore the faggy makeup. (Brett Michaels, on the other hand, still does.) Give 'em that at least.

Xmastime said...

one for the Knack! ;)