Monday, February 02, 2009

Rush Fatfuck

The funny thing to me about Rush Limbaugh coming out saying that he hopes Obama "fails" is did anybody who isn't a DittoHead hear as much from this fatass in the eight years Bush was president as we have in the 2 weeks Obama's been in the White House? No. When was the last time Limbaugh was making so many headlines from yammering? When Clinton was in office.

So obviously when Rush says he hopes Obama fails, he means he hopes Obama stays in office 2 terms and then is followed by another Democrat. You know, I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time, but I remember spending a lot of time listening to her say the opposite of what she meant, and I was supposed to figure it out.

Rush Limbaugh: The Right's Girlfriend. Congratulations, sweetheart!

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