Monday, February 02, 2009

Holding Babies

Big Bear's little sister is going thru a separation-anxiety thing right now - she'll only let her mom or dad hold her. She used to be cool letting me hold her, but now whenever I pick her up she's starts crying like crazy. Mamalizza assures me it's just a phase, so that's cool. But I was laughing earlier today, thinking wouldn't it be funny if it WASN'T just a phase, and by the tender age of 8 months she has figured out "this dude is a complete fucking douchebag and I hate his guts"? Well, if she was using that kind of language then no, it wouldn't be funny at all. But anyways, I thought that was funny.

Until, of course, I found THIS picture...and now I realize that babies only hate amazing, brilliant, AWESOME dudes who specialize in bringing people together and making everything around them so much better - so she's actually COMPLIMENTING ME!!!

Thanks, Cherry Bomb! You ALSO rock!!!! :)

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