Thursday, February 19, 2009

Strip Clubs

One thing I don't understand about strip clubs is that they all seem to have buffets in them. Who is this for? Seriously, every ad I see for a strip club there's some hot piece of ass stripped down to nothing, licking her lips in my direction like she just can't WAIT to throw her titties in my face and then the ad feels the need to remind me "oh, and while you're here you can load up on baked ziti and mashed potatoes!!" I know it's "been a while," but I distinctly remember that at no point in the last moments before beginning tenderness with a lady friend did I ever think "You know, this would be a whole lot better if I was covered in grease and completely bloated." I'd love to get the stats on how many kids are born 9 months after Thanksgiving Day, for instance. Hey strip clubs - instead of spending your money on worthless piles of food, how bout using that money to get some girls that ALREADY have their titty implants, not just "working towards them"? Grrrr.

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