Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bright Lights, Big Ass

Sistatime!! last night mentioned her gym in Richmond, which has a movie theatre room, complete with big screen and lights out as you bicycle/step/whatevs. Which sounds perfect, as since I've joined the gym one of the things I haven't been able to figure out is why are all girls fatasses?

Hiyoooooo!!!! I'm kidding!! I'm a kidder!!!! I mean, of course, why is the gym the most brightly-lit place in the universe? I mean, the whole reason I'm AT the gym in the first place is I don't like what I see, nor does anybody else; and yet I walk into the gym and it's like I'm on a movie set THAT IS COMPLETEY SURROUNDED BY MIRRORS!!!!! Grrr. It's a miracle I don't just scammper outta there. I guess now we have to add "brave" to my already embarrasingly long "What ELSE Fucking Rocks about Xmastime?" list. Awesome!

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