Thursday, February 19, 2009

Corporate Bathroom

Everybody here knows how much a fan I am of the corporate bathroom I get to enjoy a few times a week (samples HERE.) But the other day I noticed something curious - the bathroom on the 2nd floor has 2 normal-height urinals. But the bathroom on my floor has one normal urinal, and one kiddie-sized urinal. What's this? When they were building this bathroom, in a major office building, who decided "you know, you never know if they'll start hiring children here...better make this one a kiddie urinal." Am I working in a bus terminal, or Neverland Ranch? WTF?

Caveat: the other day I was walking in right behind some other dude, both heading for the urinals. At the last second he looked over at me. And you can be for damn sure who had to use the kiddie urinal.


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