Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Tracy Morgan's shark tank set off a fire in his apartment. I don't know what's more incredible - the fact that apparently you're allowed to have sharks in NYC, or that "it took 80 firefighters nearly 30 minutes to fully extinguish the remainder of the stubborn flames."

80 firefighters? Was this Tracy Morgan's house, or 9/11? I guess I'm lucky my cat, Miss Precious Muffins Dykstra, didn't get stuck in a tree, as there woulda been no firemen available to help her. 80 firemen, 30 minutes to extinguish a small fire that had already been mostly put out by the sprinklers? Was this at Tracy Morgan's, or the Playboy Mansion? Who the fuck's in charge of the FDNY now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A fish tank catches fire (ridiculous enough) and the fish of course survive. And really, do they have to tack on this irrelevancy -- The former Saturday Night Live star has also been busted several times for drunk-driving and last year wore a court-ordered electronic ankle bracelet that detected alcohol intake.

GOD BLESS TRACY MORGAN and his frivolous superstar eccentricities like shark tanks.