Wednesday, March 18, 2009

AIG Episode: Naming Names

I fail to see what releasing the names of the AIG executives who got the $165M in bonuses is going to accomplish. Anyone to whom this might mean something already knows who these people are. As for the rest of us, camon - these people live in gated communites surrounded by moats on different planets than us. You're not gonna pass these people in the street; I'm not gonna be at the Pizza Hut buffet tomorrow and see the guy next to me and say "heeeeeeeeeeey, wait a minute - you're Mike Fuckwad, Senior Vice President in charge of Global Business Services at AIG! Let's get him, gang!!!" and lead a well-fed mob to beat the guy to death. So it seems like a fairly pointless exercise, like asking a woman if she orgasmed. Who gives a shit?

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