Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Melrose Place Nonsense

First they remade 90210, and now I see they're remaking Melrose Place. What the fuck? What's the point of somehow doing a cover version of an old tv show - why not just do a shitty show about a bunch of hot people fucking each other? That's what EVERY fucking tv show is about; it's not like one minute in I'm gonna think "hey, waaaaaaaait a second...smoking hot chick, dude with no shirt on....they're ripping off Melrose!!" and flip away. Wtf? Just make your shitty show and hope enough dudes jerk off to it to stay on the fucking air. For fuck's sake. Was this show not worthless enough the first time around?

(Clockwise from top left)
Ugly, Hair, Not as gay as Hair, Banged every chick in this picture, Mrs. Xmas, The most boring woman in the history of Earth, Super Mrs. Xmas, Who gives a shit, Way too plain/ugly for a leading lady, Worthless.

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