Monday, March 23, 2009

All in The Family

The Archie is Branded episode, from Season Three, is an astounding 22 minutes of situation comedy. Packed in it are racism, thought-provoking stances about whether violence begets violence, the looming shadow of organized violence, and in the end, shocking death. All while being, of course, hysterical. I'm not sure which is stranger/sadder: how relentlessly unimportant and stupid the American sitcom (along with movies and music) has become 36 years later, or that this exact exchange goes on today in 2009:
"This guy, and everybody knows it, is always putting this country down!! As fair as he's concerned nothing abut this country is right...unless it's left!"
"I believe in this country a lot more than you do!"
"What was that?"
"That's right! Cause I believe in it strong enough to accept some changes!!"
"Well it ain't gonna accept Communism, buddy!"
"Who's talking about Communism!! I'm talking about civil rights!!!"
"That's Communism!!!!"

Check out the episode on YouTube starting HERE.

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