Monday, March 23, 2009

Suicide is....Painless?

I have a friend whose brother killed himself, which always made me worry if suicide was something genetic; or, even worse, something that would happen on a Friday, therein ruining my weekend.

I thought of this cause it looks like Sylvia Plath's son killed himself yesterday. Of course this whole post is really just an excuse to marvel at the wrestling Von Erich family, Brothatime! and my favorite wrestlers when we were kids (whom I mentioned HERE this weekend.) Looking at their official family page, it seems Fritz Von Erich had five sons, and outlived four of them - three of them by suicide. Which sounds genetic. Yeesh.

On June 4, 1986, Kerry was in a motorcycle accident that nearly ended his life and left him with a dislocated hip and a badly injured right leg. Doctors eventually had to amputate his right foot.

Kerry was able to keep his amputation secret for a while. However, during a match on an AWA card in Las Vegas against Colonel DeBeers, Kerry's secret was exposed. During the bout, DeBeers ended up on the outside, but he grabbed Kerry's foot and tried to pull him out of the ring. However, he ended up pulling off Kerry's boot with the prosthetic foot attached.

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