Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gay Marriage

The thing about not wanting gay people to get married I don't understand is that from a purely selfish point of view, I really don't see how it helps out anybody else, unlike other civil rights inequalities of the past.

For instance, while obviously hideously MORALLY wrong, one can understand why it would be ADVANTAGEOUS to have slaves. I promise you there were people that were bothered by the idea of slavery, but took advantage of being able to have (relatively) free labor in an agrarian economy. At least there could be an argument "yeah slavery is bad, but it sure helps us, don't it?" As wrong as it is, at least there is an advantage gained economically. Same with civil rights a century after the slaves were freed; sure it was WRONG to keep black people out of the "good ol' boys club," but it sure could come in handy for a white guy, couldn't it? Every black person was one less person to REALLY have to compete with in society; be it a job, school, etc. Again: wrong, but VERY handy. Babe Ruth playing in a league that didn't allow black people to play HELPED BABE RUTH; not allowing, say, Martians, wouldn't have made much of a difference.

But with gays getting married, I don't see the hindrance. Gay people can eat and piss where they choose, and they can get any job they want (unless, of course, Obama sees them in a military uniform.). A gay person can buy a home like anyone else. He or she can do anything you're allowed to do yourself. EXCEPT get married. But it's not like there's a finite number of marriages any state can have in a year - it's not like you're gonna lose your slot cause a coupla fags made a state hit their quota "Sorry! No more weddings til next year!! Adam & Steve were the last ones!" Is there a "Someone gay just got married" tax I don't know about?

So your being determinedly against gay marriage is not just some moral hiccup i can jump on; the fact is, there is no advantage to it for yourself anyway. Theoretically, you're better off trying to make black people slaves again or some such. Therefore, you're really wasting your own time and money. Congrats!

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